Equipo de Proyecto

Tracey Osborne, Ph.D.

Principal Investigator

TOsborne_photo2016_crop2I am Assistant Professor in the School of Geography and Development at the University of Arizona and Principal Investigator of the Climate Alliance Mapping Project (CAMP). CAMP is the most recent initiative of the Public Political Ecology Lab, an innovative project I direct that aims to communicate academic research to a broader public as a vehicle for social and environmental justice. My research is concerned with the social and political economic dimensions of climate change mitigation in forest ecosystems and implications for Indigenous and marginalized communities. My regional focus is Latin America and I have worked extensively in Mexico, Guyana and more recently the western Amazon.

Jamie Ann Lee, Ph.D.

Co-Principal Investigator

Jamie Ann Lee PhotoI am Assistant Professor of Digital Culture, Information, and Society in the School of Information at the University of Arizona. I attend to archives, multimodal media-making contexts, bodies, and ongoing analyses of the ways humans know and move in the world. My  work is intricately woven through the intersections of archival studies, media studies, digital and visual culture, digital storytelling / oral history, information, society, and bodies. As an award-winning social justice documentary filmmaker, my work has screened on PBS, Free Speech TV, and at film festivals and conferences throughout the Americas and Europe. Green Green Water (2006), the feature-length documentary that I co-directed / edited / produced, traces the source of Minnesota’s ‘green energy’ to the displacement of the indigenous Cree and Metís in Northern Manitoba to expose the important story of displacement, resistance, and the insidious public relations that lie beyond the energy grid. With storytelling and social justice at the center of my media productions, I presented at the 2008 Women’s World Congress in Madrid, Spain on my collaborative Digital Humanities project documenting and studying women’s cooperatives working on environmental and economic sustainability along the US / Mexico border. I continue to work on social justice issues through activism, multimodal media productions, archival productions, decolonizing methodologies, and public scholarship.

Remy Franklin

Project Coordinator

Franklin Head ShotI received my MA in Geography at the University of Arizona where I studied climate justice, renewable energy transition, and the politics of rooftop solar in Tucson, AZ. As a recent graduate I continue to coordinate the Climate Alliance Mapping Project and work closely with other team members to build the maps, design their website home and built partnerships with allied organizations. My thesis research and CAMP fit into my broader interest in the political ecology of food and climate justice and how we promote more just and sustainable economies.

Megan Mills-Novoa

Graduate Research Assistant

Megan PPEL PhotoI am a MA student in the School of Geography and Development at the University of Arizona. My research interests are in Andean agricultural land use change, food security, climate change adaptation and mixed method approaches. In addition to working with CAMP, I am a graduate research assistant with Dr. Christopher Scott at the Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy on the NSF/USAID funded project “Strengthening Resilience of Andean River Basin Headwaters Facing Global Change” in Peru.

Stina Janssen

Graduate Research Assistant

StinaJanssenHeadshot2My interests are in the political ecology of energy, economic geography, Indigenous sovereignty and anti-racist, just alternatives to the fossil fuel economy. My master’s research is based on a collaboration with Black Mesa Water Coalition, a leading member of the Climate Justice Alliance which advances the grassroots movement for a just transition to renewable energy. My research supports Black Mesa Water Coalition’s work to build solar capacity on the Navajo Nation and explores the political economy of renewable energy development in the context of climate policy and finance.

Ben Colombi, Ph.D.


Ben Colombi PhotoBenedict J. Colombi, Ph.D. is Associate Professor of the American Indian Studies Program and Affiliate Associate Professor of the School of Anthropology, School of Geography and Development, and School of Natural Resources and Environment. He also holds a Faculty Appointment with the Institute of Environment, a center for disciplinary and interdisciplinary environmental and climate change research at The University of Arizona. He is the Past Program Chair of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), Anthropology & Environment section, Past Faculty Fellow with The Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy, and is a Fellow with The Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA). In 2014, he served as a U.S. Fulbright Scholar conducting ethnographic fieldwork with Indigenous communities along Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula.

His area of specialization lies at the anthropology of complex human-environmental problems (i.e. energy, water, climate, and fisheries). Recent publications include the book (Colombi and Brooks 2012), Keystone Nations: Indigenous Peoples and Salmon across the North Pacific (Advanced Seminar Series, School for Advanced Research Press) and a number of articles and chapters, including long-term and engaged research with the Nez Perce Tribe (Nimiipuu) about large dams, salmon, and the regional economy in the Columbia River basin. He also pursues interests in expanding his research to include Southwestern Indigenous people and watersheds (Colombi 2010; Colombi 2014; Pasqualetti et al. 2016); complimented with field studies of local-Indigenous resources/management in the United States, Canada, Russia, Iceland, Norway (Ween and Colombi 2013), Japan, and Mexico.

Leila Salazar-López

Amazon Watch Executive Director

Prior to leading Amazon Watch as Executive Director Leila served as Program Director, overseeing the organization’s campaigns to defend the Amazon and advance indigenous rights. Her 15+ years of experience working to defend the world’s rainforests includes grassroots organizing and managing international advocacy campaigns as Campaign Director of Rainforest Action Network’s Agribusiness campaign, Organizer for initial Amazon Watch Clean Up Ecuador campaign, and Organizer at Global Exchange. She is a graduate of both the University of California at Santa Barbara and Green Corps. Leila lives in San Francisco, CA where she is active in her community. She’s a proud Chicana-Latina and mother of two.

Public Political Ecology Lab


CAMP is a project of the Public Political Ecology Lab (PPEL) at the University of Arizona, which exists to communicate political ecology research to a broader public as a vehicle for social and environmental change. CAMP is regularly supported by this wider community of graduate students and faculty researchers.

Digital Storytelling & Oral History Lab


CAMP is a project of the DS|OH Labwhich draws from the principles of social justice media—media that is interested in social change and is produced as a gesture of solidarity with community members, and as a way to disseminate the tools and practices of media production, lived insights, and commitments to social justice and the powerful potential in storytelling.

DS|OH Lab members working on CAMP include:

Anushka Peres, Doctoral Candidate in Rhetoric, Composition, and the Teaching of English (RCTE) in the Department of English, University of Arizona.

Joanna E. Sanchez-Avila, Doctoral Student in Rhetoric, Composition, and the Teaching of English (RCTE) in the Department of English, University of Arizona.

Advisory Board

Archives, Storytelling and Digital Humanities

CAMP is supported by an Advisory Board specializing in archives, storytelling and digital humanities. Members of the Advisory Board include:

Joni Adamson, Ph.D. Director of the Environmental Humanities Initiative (EHI), Professor, English & Environmental Humanities, Department of English, Arizona State University.

Richard Chabran, MS. Adjunct Professor, School of Information, University of Arizona.

Anthony Cocciolo, Ph.D. Interim Dean and Professor, School of Information, Pratt.

Laura Hoff, MLIS, Lead Archivist and Digital Librarian, NCAR Archives, National Center for Atmospheric Research.

Elizabeth Miller, Ph.D. Professor, Communications Studies; Faculty Researcher & Storyteller, Centre for Oral History & Digital Storytelling, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Erin O’Meara, Department Head, Office of Digital Innovation & Stewardship, University Libraries, University of Arizona.

Miriam Posner, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Information Studies and Digital Humanities, UCLA.

Heather A. Soyka, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, School of Information, Kent State University; and Fellow for DataONE, a National Science Foundation-funded project that preserves and provides access to ecological and environmental data, crossing international and interdisciplinary boundaries.

Ana Carolina de Moura Delfim Maciel, Ph.D, Coordenadora da Coordenadoria dos Centros e Núcleos Interdisciplinares de Pesquisa da Unicamp (COCEN), Pesquisadora do Centro de Memória – UNICAMP, Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz.Barão Geraldo. Campinas – SP.; President, Brazil Oral History Association.

Technical Partners

University of Arizona

CAMP is supported by various technical partners at the University of Arizona, including:


Ash Scheder Black, MS; Director of Technology, Office of Global Initiatives.

Ben Hickson, Geospatial Specialist, Office of Digital Innovation & Stewardship, University Libraries.