Allied Organizations
The idea of building an Americas-wide climate justice story map came from a 2015 meeting of climate justice organizations gathered as the Americas-wide initiative to advance climate equity. The gathering included over 50 environmental and indigenous organizations working across the Americas on complementary campaigns to keep fossil fuels underground. Tracey Osborne (CAMP founder and Co-PI) was at the meeting when these allied organizations identified energy resource and story mapping as climate justice movement priorities.
Since we first began work on CAMP in 2015, our goal has been to develop story maps that support campaigns for climate justice. This has meant following the lead of indigenous and environmental organizations when deciding what data to display on the map and how to talk about our project. Recognizing that climate justice organizations represent diverse approaches and priorities, CAMP is committed to supporting the movement by providing climate justice story maps as a tool for networking, education and advocacy. As an academic research group, this means listening, maintaining ongoing conversations with leading organizations and affected communities, and being open to feedback.
CAMP was inspired by climate justice movement organizations. We are currently developing partnerships with indigenous and environmental organizations through specific collaborations. Please see our Projects page for more information, or Contact Us if you have questions or are interested in collaborating.